Label and commitment

The Maison du Prado Saint-André, covering almost 5 ha, is located in the hamlet of Saint-André, which is subject to an area of heritage interest (A4). The Saint-André building is also a heritage building.

That's why we also want to change our way of thinking. green practices by working with committed local partners.

The company is committed to ecological conversion inspired by reading and reflecting on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si'. We drew on the proposals made by the team "Green Church.

The eco-diagnostic is divided into 7 areas that can be completed one after the other and then saved.

Governance - Management - Buildings - Land - Local & global commitment - Food - Spirituality

For the year 2024/2025, the Maison du Prado Saint-André will implement several actions: 

1. Implementation of an educational project and inclusion of local produce on menus

By bringing the kitchen in-house, we hope to encourage partnerships with local suppliers.

La Maison, which is already fully equipped, has chosen to bring its kitchen in-house in order to improve the quality of the meals it serves by offering fresh, seasonal produce. 

Chef Meriem joined the association of the Priests of Prado as a managing director and cooks every day for the residents and guests of the Maison. 

The place of the kitchen at La Maison is very important, and it has been thought through and designed to make meals a real pleasure. an important and privileged moment. So we opted for an open-plan kitchen, opening onto a large living room. communal dining roomwhere all the world eats together.

2. Waste sorting, one of our key commitments

A The Maison du Prado Saint-André's efforts to combat food waste and reduce and reuse waste led us to set up a waste sorting system from the end of the meal through to composting: 

- The House wishes to explain and raise awareness among groups and guests of the importance of reducing and sorting waste using posters and waste buckets in the large dining room.

– Thanks to the sorting carried out after each meal and if the bins are used correctly, they will enable food waste* to be transformed in a few months into a recyclable product. organic compost 100%just as nature would do. This natural fertiliser can be used for all the plants in the house.

There are around 134 grams of waste per meal served. With over 13,000 meals served, this represents 1.8 tonnes of compostable waste. And then there's the waste produced in the kitchen.


3. Installation of a composting system with support from Pistyles

Composting is the most environmentally-friendly method of treating biowaste from households and similar waste, the most educational and the most socially responsible: it avoids all transport, it implicates consumers who manage their waste through to the end, taking advantage of the resource that has emerged from their own waste and which is used directly to revitalise urban soils At last, the cycle of matter can be understood in all its dimensions by city dwellers, right on their doorstep.

Pistyles installs and trains (for 9 to 12 months) around 140 shared composting sites a year. The composters are made of strong, durable local wood and supplied by social integration companies.

Pistyles is approved by ADEME to provide training for Composting Site Managers and Composting Guides.

Pistyles organises and runs public events on local composting and advises local authorities on setting up local composting policies.

Pistyles is a director of the Réseau de Compostage Citoyen in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

4. A commitment to the environment 

  • Ecological sanitation project
  • Project to install electrical terminals
  • Photovoltaic panels to be installed on the roof of the Saint-François building at the end of the year 
  • Offering shared gardens as part of a local educational project
  • Protecting swallows

5. installation of beehives and honey production

You can't set up a business at any price, or in any situation. The approach must be based on a genuine awareness of the disappearance of bees and these must not be used as a commercial pretext or a simple communication tool.

Who is API environnement?

A beekeeper for 20 years, Laurent Desmichel set up SAS Api Environnement to pass on his expertise through courses. He has set up an apiary school in Lyon where, alongside his beekeeping operation, he offers courses for people who want to own one or more hives and need to learn the basics of the beekeeping trade.

The company, which was set up to pass on bee-keeping know-how, has expanded with the aim of achieving even greater success. of sharing and preserving the environment. To this end, Laurent Desmichel has developed and set up with young beekeepers partnership projects with structures such as companies or training centres.

They have developed a more urban beekeepingwe are setting up hives within private structures and produce honey for our partners who have chosen to invest in beekeeping. In addition to honey production, Api Environnement implements the following measures educational activities within these companies and at events.

6. Membership of the Green Church label

The label Green church is aimed at Christian communities* that want to Committed to the care of Creation These include parishes, local churches, works, movements, monasteries, associations, apostolic congregations, Christian establishments, families and young people (secondary school / 18+).

* recognised, recommended or approved by the CECEF assembly

Why the Green Church label?

Because we believe that God also reveals himself through his work, and that he has entrusted it to men who must cultivate and guard it,

Because life on earth is a blessing and a sign of God's love, and acting to preserve it is a way of loving our neighbour and acting for justice,

Because the ecological crisis urges us to listen to the cry of the earth that "groans in travail of childbirth" (Rom 8:22) and to choose, in hope, lifestyles that are the first fruits of a new creation reconciled in Christ,

Because God's people can pray and act to bring this hope to the world,

Because we are aware that it is by converting together that we will contribute to building the fairer and more ecological world that is necessary for the survival of humanity. Togel Lotto Rtp meraktoto slot toto togel slot dana slot gacor slot gacor 2025 meraktoto meraktoto meraktoto meraktoto Slot Gacor Terpercaya Lucky Neko MERAKTOTO MERAKTOTO MERAKTOTO slot online slot gacor maxwin slot dana 10k MERAKTOTO MERAKTOTO MERAKTOTO LOGIN Situs Toto Slot